Tuesday 8 November 2011

Getting cold out there

First day this year that I have felt cold.
Are you ready for when the frosts start? Hers are a few ideas that could help this winter.
Alpine design Trapper Hat only £10.50 with free UK delivery
Pink, Purple or White Baggy Bobble hat, just £8.99 inc UK delivery

72 Inch long stripy scarf with tassel ends, only £8.25 and free UK postage

All at www.artandthings.co.uk

Friday 4 November 2011


I am more and more baffled as to what or who is or should be called a celebrity.

Having watched an advert for some new show than includes such people I am amazed to find that Ann Widdecombe is described as one. Why? What makes her stand out as one? She has not only proved with various TV appearances that she can't dance but also that she has no personality, no aptitude to do anything creative and was not even any good as a politician. All I can think is that she is so bad that they have her back as people laugh at her bumbling inefficiency to do anything with a degree of competence.

Of course in this world where all you have to do is to exist in a house with a bunch of other people for an extended holiday and pretend that it's hard, what can we expect. The only Big Brother winner that was any good was the first one, Craig, and that is only because he was skilled at something and is still showing it.

In my opinion, it's about time that to be classed as a celebrity you should be able to entertain. Not bore, not talk shit, not use "innit" in every sentence but show some type of skill.

I feel sorry for people that feel compelled to watch the non celebs week upon week, maybe in the hope that one day they will do something entertaining, let me break it to you gently, it's not going to happen.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Are they sure that the only way is Essex?

I sincerely hope not.

I feel so sorry for the people of Essex. In the past they have taken some stick but surly this program can't make them happy. If the same twaddle was about Cornwall and showed a bunch of twats like that I would consider moving. They must feel so insulted that they are portrayed as money grabbing, badly dressed chavs with the personalities of demented warthogs.

Not only the depictions used are tasteless but also the quality of the "Actors", the more I think about it the more I am convinced that it is a giant piss take. If they were serious they would have picked at lease one person that could deliver a line and was reasonably good looking to star in it.

So although I feel for the normal Essex person I also have to say a huge thank you on behalf of the rest of the country, if people are like that there at least we don't have to live with them.

Friday 28 October 2011

Some new bits

Even though it's quiet business wise I can't resist getting new stock.

So here are a couple of bits and bobs from the new stuff that can be found on www.artandthings.co.uk

Spider neck tie, must be a lover (or hater) that deserves one this Christmas
Alpine design bobble hat, fleece lined, one of many winter hats on the website.

Biker masks, made from neoprene (wet suit material) will keep the face warm under a crash helmet and stop the bugs from stinging. One size fits all with Velcro fastening and a warm snug stretchy feel.

Saturday 22 October 2011

Numb Mind

Is it the time of year or is it just me? My inspirations for painting are there one moment and gone the next.  Business on the website www.artandthings.co.uk is there one day and nothing for the last 4 and my depressions are more frequent than my sales.

Do you ever feel that you are in a hole an the more you climb the deeper it gets? When you feel that tomorrow will be a new start and then you are not sure if you want to be here tomorrow? That no matter what you do it is never right and you just feel desperate? and that apart from a very small number of close family, no one gives a shit about you.

Maybe it is not a good time to be writing on a blog either although the experience of jotting it down, even though it may never get read, is a release in itself.

Tomorrow will come and when it does my mood may have lighteded, my inspiration may have returned and things may seem brighter, but at the back of my mind I know that it is only a matter of time before I have to face my demons once again.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Latest Painting

Since my OU course ended in September and having to wait for Feb 2012 for the next one to begin I thought it was about time I got busy with a brush and have compleated 2 so far.

This one  could have been inspired by the riots although in reality I wanted to create the vision of looking at a city, at night through a rain soaked car window. The buildings are all cut out of card and the texture in the sky is a mix of wood glue and sawdust.
The painting measures 24 x 24 inches

I followed it up with this painting, I wanted the city again, and to use card to give a 3D effect, but I wanted to lie in a square looking up at the sund with the buildings around me.

Be nice to have comments.


Wednesday 12 October 2011

Bullys pick on the obese

Things have not changed much since the playground days have they. Back then I was taunted for being "fat" and it still goes on now but this time it's not just said in the playground by a thick kid, it is printed for the world to see in the press by so called intelligent reporters.

The latest bilge churned out by some overpaid prat is that if you are obese you need to earn more according to your waist measurement to make you attractive to women.

This is a bit of a wild statement. As an overweight person I would not want a woman that only wanted me fpor the size of my salary, and as a woman I would feel very insulted being told that I were as shallow as to only see £ signs when looking for a partner.

Of course I realise that being overweight is not good for you and can cost the NHS money. On the other hand you can bet that most hacks are drinkers and alcahol costs the NHS a bloody sight more than the obese do. Of course they (the hacks) are not going to write about themselves are they, not when they can divert attention away from their own problems.

Overeating is an addiction, one that is hard to break. Lets face it, if you give up smoking you can just not smoke, if you give up drinking, especially from a heavy addiction, you can never drink again. For the obese this is not so easy as we have to eat to live. Compared to losing weight giving up smoking, drinking and even drugs is a walk in the park.

So all I can say to the latest prat hack is look at yourself. Is your partner with you for your money because mine is'nt. Stop the bullying.

Chris Pointer