Saturday 29 October 2011

Are they sure that the only way is Essex?

I sincerely hope not.

I feel so sorry for the people of Essex. In the past they have taken some stick but surly this program can't make them happy. If the same twaddle was about Cornwall and showed a bunch of twats like that I would consider moving. They must feel so insulted that they are portrayed as money grabbing, badly dressed chavs with the personalities of demented warthogs.

Not only the depictions used are tasteless but also the quality of the "Actors", the more I think about it the more I am convinced that it is a giant piss take. If they were serious they would have picked at lease one person that could deliver a line and was reasonably good looking to star in it.

So although I feel for the normal Essex person I also have to say a huge thank you on behalf of the rest of the country, if people are like that there at least we don't have to live with them.

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