Thursday 6 October 2011

What am I doing here?

Blogging huh!, well this is a new venture for me after slagging people off for having a blog just because I did not have a clue what they are all about, it will be interesting to see if anyone bothers to read and reply or if my words will travel into space bypassing fellow "bloggers".

So, what to say....................................

......................mmmmmm,  not going to be easy this, maybe a few facts.

Ancient Egyptians were decended from Saxons mating with Nigerians, they lived in Cyprus but went to Egypt every time someone died so they would not clutter up the island. King Tut-and-come-in is the best known but ony became famous when he died as the group he was in failed to get through the second stage of X Factor as Louis Walsh did not fancy any of them.

Well, it's a start, Will teach more on my next visit.

Dangle McWangle

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